Trust us when we say, nobody hates when we go out of stock more than us. We understand it strains your routine, and isn't ideal for any of us. Any time we run out of stock of any of our products, please know that we're working hard to manufacture, produce, and 3rd party certify our next batch to get that back in your hands as soon as possible without cutting any corners, or making any compromises on our quality.
We will always do our best to notify you of any issues with orders or automatic shipments that may be impacted. If we are out of stock for a product at the time of your automatic shipment, you will not be shipped or charged for the product(s) that are out of stock and this order will be skipped with your scheduled ship date not being changed. Your shipments will resume as normal on the usually scheduled date as soon as stock is restored.
We are currently out of stock for the following products:
- We are currently out of stock for Collagen Shot at this time. We are working to get Collagen Shots back in stock as soon as possible, and are hoping to have them back by January.
Please note that these dates and timeframes are subject to change without notice. We are providing this information as our best estimate based on the information that we have at any given time. You can sign up for a back in stock notification by selecting the "Notify me when available" button on the product description page, and entering your email. When doing so, we'll send you a personalized notification immediately upon the restock being available.
We thank you for your patience while we work through our growing pains and unexpected demand. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our support team is always here and happy to help however we can.